Sometimes I find I just can't switch off. My mind won't stop thinking, worrying, planning; I can't stop myself from looking at the mess that a three year old boy creates, or the washing up that's aways building, or the never ending list of things to do that I never seem to get done.
When I'm out in the countryside, surrounded by mountains it's like all those worries just get blown away. They give me a sense of scale and perspective. There's no phones, TV or computer games to distract us, just gentle chit chat and soothing silence.
I love to take pictures of these moments so that when life gets a little hectic I can look back over them and find a little calm and perspective.
One of my favourite quotes about nature, by John Muir:
"The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn".
I took these pictures a few days ago in The Lake District as we drove over Kirkstone Pass and down to Ullswater. The rain was pouring and the wind so strong (you can even see rain on the camera lense!), but the views were beautiful and so refreshing.
Have a wonderful week ahead x
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