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Thoughts on Creativity

Sunday, 2 November 2014

"The mandala serves a conservative purpose, namely to restore a previously existing order.  But it also serves the creative purpose of giving expression and form to something that does not yet exist; something new and unique... The process is that of the ascending spiral, which grows upward while simultaneously returning again and again to the same point."

Marie Louise Von Franz, C. G Jung
Man and His Symbols

Creating a mandala is something I've been thinking of doing for a while now, and it seemed a fitting start to my new blog.

I chose to create a spiral, the act of which focuses creativity, while the spiral itself can represent the
journey of time, the seasons, life and learning.  It begins at the core and expands outwards into a greater awareness.  It can also work in reverse, by redirecting our focus from the outer material stresses and worries back to the core and back to our most basic and essential needs.

The spiral reminds me to live simply, with intent and with a desire to become more, to learn more.  It also encourages me to share more and to overcome those fears I have to do so.

In short, a bit of floral faffing is good for the soul (if you've seen my Instagram feed, you'll know I have a thing for this!)

I believe in appreciating the little things, of recognising that material things are, of course, pleasant but not essential; I believe in achieving a balance between living simply and living beautifully.

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